YouPower, Independent Total Power System


The generated energy can be used immediately or be stored in a home battery. A connection to the public power grid is no longer necessary. 100% independent.

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Semi off-grid

In a semi-off grid system the electricity is either supplied by the public power grid, or by the off grid installation. The public power grid functions as a generator..

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A home battery makes you smarter than the ‘smart meter’. Just store the excess energy. A home battery: your best choice.

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Battery recycling and recovery. BDC (Battery Disassembly Center), part of YouPower, recycles lithium batteries by disassembling them.

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Youpower, a typical situation

Youpower, a typical situation

YouPower says: "Let’s improve this!"

Why not combine a (home) battery with solar panels? With the battery, you can get a maximum profit out of your self-generated green energy. All electricity that is not immediately used, is stored in the battery during the daytime, and then simply used at night. So in fact, you store your own energy. You become far less dependent of the public power grid, and green energy is ensured.

In short, a YouPower system allows you to store unused energy in your own batteries to be used at night and in peak hours. In case of a very large power consumption, you can always rely upon the public power grid. A perfect solution as an intermediate step towards being off the grid.

Going off-grid

Going off-grid

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